Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Mary Cicely Barker Flower Fairies Official Website Link

The Flower Fairies website is a must have for fairy fans.  You can play games, visit the fairies, download wallpaper and screensavers, send e-cards, and learn more about Mary Cicely Barker. 

Here is the official website address:  http://www.flowerfairies.com.  Please let me know what you think about the site. 

Thank you very much for stopping by The Friendly Fairies.


Monday, May 28, 2012

Ethereal Fairy with Crown of Butterflies Art

I just discovered this glorious fairy artwork entitled Claudia by Sophie Anderson and wanted to share it with you.  The full title is actually, "Take the Fair Face of Woman, and Gently Suspending, With Butterflies, Flowers, and Jewels Attending, Thus Your Fairy is Made of Most Beautiful Things."

Somehow, I have never seen this particular artwork until yesterday.  I love the pre-Raphaelite influence and the innocent look on the fairy's face. 

Please continue to come back as I build up a collection of art, craft ideas, poetry, etc.  

Thank you for visiting The Friendly Fairies!


Sunday, May 27, 2012

Fairy Quotes

When the first baby laughed for the first time, its laugh broke into a thousand pieces, and they all went skipping about, and that was the beginning of fairies. And now when every new baby is born its first laugh becomes a fairy. So there ought to be one fairy for every boy or girl. ~James Matthew Barrie, Peter Pan

 Once upon a time, I thought faeries lived only in books, old folktales, and the past. That was before they burst upon my life as vibrant, luminous beings, permeating my art and my everyday existence, causing glorious havoc.
~Brian Froud

Faeries, come take me out of this dull world,
For I would ride with you upon the wind,
Run on the top of the dishevelled tide,
And dance upon the mountains like a flame.
~William Butler Yeats, "The Land of Heart's Desire," 1894

There may be fairies at the bottom of the garden. There is no evidence for it, but you can't prove that there aren't any, so shouldn't we be agnostic with respect to fairies.
~Richard Dawkins

Through the years I have grown very fond of the subject matter that I paint., It is as real to me as life itself. Even now, as I sit here and write, the studio elves and faeries are cleaning my brushes and leaving fairy footprints all over my palette. Yes, faeries are as real as you and me, you only have to open your mind and use your imagination.
~James Browne, Artist

To open your heart to the fairies, you must nurture these feelings of wonder, reverence and love for every detail of your garden, for the airs which blow about it, the musical rain which falls gently upon it, the moon and the stars which silently look down on it, the great sun which is the source of its being and for the clouds and changing skies which provide it with a canopy. When you truly feel the sweetness of this magic, you will begin to discover the fairies, for they will make themselves know to you.
~ Claire Nahmad

If you want your children to be brilliant, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be geniuses, read them more fairy tales.
~Albert Einstein

The way to read a fairy tale is to throw yourself in.
~W. H. Auden

"Just living is not enough" said the butterfly fairy, "one must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower."
~ Hans Christian Anderson

Where there is Joy, Laughter and Color, Fairies will be found!
~Author Unknown

The longing of my heart is a fairy portrait of myself: I want to be pretty; I want to eliminate facts and fill up the gap with charms.
~Mark Twain

The fairies break their dances
And leave the printed lawn.
~A.E. Housman

When the winds of March are wakening the crocuses and crickets,
Did you ever find a fairy near some budding little thickets,...
And when she sees you creeping up to get a closer peek
She tumbles through the daffodils, a playing hide and seek.
~Marjorie Barrows

Know you what it is to be a child?...It is to believe in love, to believe in loveliness, to believe in belief; it is to be so little that the elves can reach to whisper in your ear, it is to turn pumpkins into coaches, and mice into horses, lowness into loftiness, and nothing into everything, for each child has its fairy godmother in its soul.
~Francis Thompson

Every time a child says, "I don't believe in fairies," there is a fairy somewhere that falls down dead.
~James Matthew Barrie, Peter Pan

There are fairies at the bottom of our garden.
~Rose Fyleman

A lady, with whom I was riding in the forest, said to me, that the woods always seemed to her to wait, as if the genii who inhabit them suspended their deeds until the wayfarer has passed onward: a thought which poetry has celebrated in the dance of the fairies, which breaks off on the approach of human feet.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson, "

We call them faerie. We don't believe in them. Our loss.
~Charles de Lint

A rustle in the wind reminds us a fairy is near.
~Author Unknown

I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?
~John Lennon

Any man can lose his hat in a fairy-wind.
~Irish Saying

Garden fairies come at dawn,
Bless the flowers then they're gone.
~Author Unknown

I think that people who can't believe in fairies aren't worth knowing.
~Tori Amos

Hand in hand, with fairy grace,
Will we sing, and bless this place.
~William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream